Functional visual design at a reasonable price

Drill Dojo Doodles

Time to Train Up!!

The school year is winding down. Most teachers have either already made or are making plans for their summer “break”. I put break in quotations because teachers don’t really get a summer break. Sure, they don’t have to show up at school for scheduled classes, but they will have meetings, conferences, and other professional development. Band Directors? Well those people are crazy workers. THEY NEVER STOP! They’ll have some rehearsals, sectionals, leadership training, etc. and then at least one week of band camp in preparation for the next fall’s marching band season. The work just never really stops. On top of that, they’ll look for places to get additional training to better hone their craft.

Now, too much of a good thing can be bad, but I’ve always been one of those people who wanted to learn how to be a better band director, teacher, musician, etc. and sometimes that means spending time during the summer.

What is the area of your teaching/directing you want to improve or develop (maybe even from the very beginning)? Here is a short list of offerings for the summer of 2022.

Music for All Summer Symposium Directors Academy late June. Very comprehensive, much more than just marching band!

Visual Design Retreat (Craig Harms) June 16-20 Pyware and design workshop on Cape Cod!

Smith-Walbridge June. Integrated Pyware and visual design training.

Marching Arts Education (on line resources/training) On line courses and webinars.

Drill Dojo Pyware Tutorial 100% online instruction with flexible self-paced schedule. The tutorial concludes with a 13 set design complete with synced music.

Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop Late June. Detailed, well crafted presentations covering the basics of design and is tailored to the needs of the participants. 100% online using the Zoom platform.

I hope you find something that fits into your schedule and your plans for developing your Band Director Toolbox!

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