Screen Cap From the Drill Dojo Pyware Tutorial
This FREE hour-long event is offered periodically and is open to anyone who would like to get a sample of the Drill Dojo Workshops (Drill Dojo Pyware Tutorial and the Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop). The event will run on the Zoom platform and promoted through this website and connected social media.
Topics may Include: Helpful Hints for Visual Design, Getting Organized, Basic Questions to Ask Whenever Conceiving Visual Design, Pyware Tips, The Field as a Stage, The Opening Set, Creativity, Logic in Design, Levels of Design, Demand and Its Management, and ending with a Q&A.
Use the links at the bottom of this page for more information about the Drill Dojo Pyware Tutorial and the Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop. Click HERE to get an idea of what a Drill Dojo online event is like.
My next Drill Dojo Sampler is Saturday May 17, 2025 and will run from 11:00 am-Noon Eastern Time..