Functional visual design at a reasonable price

Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop

Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop

Since the summer of 2020 I have been offering the  Drill Dojo Pyware Tutorial and Visual Design Workshops. Both are 100% online via Zoom. I am currently planning for upcoming offerings. Check back here to get information.

Since the summer of 2020 I have been offering the Drill Dojo Pyware Tutorial and Visual Design Workshops. Both are 100% online via Zoom. I am currently planning for upcoming offerings. Check back here to get information.

A screen cap during one of our zoom sessions. From a participant, “The materials presented in the drill dojo tutorial and workshop were  appropriate for a wide range of experience levels and the content  addressed a number of aspects of drill design.  I came away with ideas  and skills to keep me busy and I look forward to attending again in the  future!”

A screen cap during one of our zoom sessions. From a participant, “The materials presented in the drill dojo tutorial and workshop were appropriate for a wide range of experience levels and the content addressed a number of aspects of drill design. I came away with ideas and skills to keep me busy and I look forward to attending again in the future!”

2022 Workshop Participants

2023 Workshop Participants

2024 Workshop Participants

In 2025 I will again be offering my Drill Dojo Tutorial and Visual Design Workshop June 16-19. The workshop will be 100% online utilizing zoom meeting format with presentations, demonstrations, activities, and group discussion. This provides a collaborative learning atmosphere for participants. Although all demonstrations will utilize Pyware software, participants may design by any means they wish. The workshop adjusts to the experience level of the participants with the intent of providing a foundation for the beginner and jump starting creativity in the more “seasoned” designer. Participants are encouraged to have their own music and show ideas to share and actually craft during the workshop. Get started on your Fall 2025 design during the workshop! I offer ongoing support for all participants throughout their fall season in the way of feedback and consultation. The cost is $225 for the Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop.

Topics for the workshop include but are not limited to:

  1. Creativity and Where Do Ideas Come From?

  2. Getting organized (before starting to design)

  3. The Field as a Stage (Incorporating Concepts from Kandinsky’s Point to Line to Plane)

  4. Staging Elements (Winds, Percussion, Color guard, Props, etc.)

  5. Basic Movement

  6. Levels of Design (adapted from George Zingali)

  7. Logic in Design: The Application of Molly Bang’s Book Picture This: How Pictures Work

  8. Getting Started: The Opening Set

  9. Creating Motion (Including, Follow the Leader, Flow Points/Form Evolution, Counter Motion, and More)

  10. Managing Level of Demand in Design

  11. Everything is a Remix

  12. Designing Like a Pirate

  13. Communicating With Performers and Staff: Instructions, Charts, and Coordinate Sheets

Bring the Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop to your college or university. Get high school band directors on your campus by offering a reasonably priced workshop in a 2 day format. Contact me to learn more.—DB

Coming Soon! The Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop will be offered at a reduced price as an asynchronous video lecture series. Check back for more information.

To register for the 2025 Drill Dojo Visual Design Workshop, Click HERE.